Feroz' back was dramatically healed today and he responded to the gospel of Jesus! Pray for his faith! He is such a treasure! #lovepursuit #thegospel #urloveexplosion #URLoveChallenge
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Love Explosion
Experience and Share the extravagant love of jesus

What is Love Explosion?
Love explosion is simply a tool to experience and pass along the Father's love. Our Love Explosion events are designed to give everyone the opportunity to reveal the goodness and love of God through simple actions that meet the needs of those in our community. These are no strings attached gestures of love and kindness, something that is extremely rare in the world today. Jesus paid attention to those around Him and was able to perceive their needs, He touched broken people in the place where they were broken. It’s our hope that through these Love Explosion events, the love of the Father will be shared with people creating an open door to the message of Jesus.
How Can I get Involved?
There are easy ways to engage in Love Explosion. Grab a note from the Love Well Wall in the narthex at Upper Room.Serve at a Love explosion Outreach. Essentially, just love someone in some special way. Then, share your story!
Turkey Dinner Love Explosion
Our goal is for everyone to have a chance to sit at the table with their loved ones and thank god for his goodness.
This simple act of kindness Meets a practical need and facilitates God's goodness, grace and love.
Simply grab an ikea bag with the list of items to purchase. Bring the bag and the fixins back to Upper Room the Saturday prior to thanksgiving. We will pray for the bags and each other, then deliver the bags in nearby communities.

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